Dr. Hannah Bruckmüller is an art historian, writer, and editor specialized in conceptual art, literature, and publications. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on art and literature, notions of writing and reading, and draws upon a theoretical corpus based on feminist writings and theory.
Hannah’s research examines the thresholds of artistic practices, text, and literature. In her PhD project “Entre les lettres imprimées”, she analyzed marginalized aspects of publishing in the oeuvre of Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers. Based on extensive archival research and close readings, Hannah’s project introduces a feminist reading of Broodthaers’ publishing practice. Aligning with feminist theories, Hannah has developed a meta-reflexive approach to writing, which focuses on rhetorical structures, sophistical practices, and historiographical mechanisms. Currently, she is preparing the book-publication of her manuscript (sonderzahl, forthcoming 2022). Hannah’s Post-Doc project “Domestic Publicity” focuses on the thresholds of private and public realms by examining media relations, architectural conditions and gender stereotypes in the context of private art collections in the 1970s.
Hannah publishes essays, reviews, and texts in international magazines and journals, such as TOHU Magazine, Counter Signals, Platform, and Oxford Art Journal.
Hannah speaks at conferences, contributes to festivals and symposia, gives opening speeches, interviews artists, contributes to round-tables and moderates artist-talks.
Hannah collaborates with Noa Ginzburg and Michal B. Ron in the CatChat Collective. Drawing upon feminist theories and art practices, “we have developed our theoretico-artistic practice to approach alphabets, texts, and translatability by attending to the abundant and queer manifolds of language.”
Hannah is an experienced editing and writing consultant for texts, anthologies, academic writings, applications, and theses. She has co-founded and co-edited the online magazine all-over (2010–2019), and proof-read and edited various publications, ranging from theses to architectural guides and the Austrian Film Gender Report (2021). More here.